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长滩 Downtown



New Teacher Support/Induction




菠菜网lol正规平台’s 教师归纳 Program provides a two-year individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, 支持, and professional learning that begins in the teacher’s first year of contracted teaching.

教师归纳 Logo

The Induction experience 支持s the growth and development of its candidates by building on the knowledge and skills gained during their Preliminary Preparation program. Each candidate creates an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)  through which they establish professional goals based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP).

长滩 Unified School District 支持s beginning teachers with the following preliminary credentials:

  • Preliminary Multiple Subject
  • Preliminary Single Subject
  • Preliminary Education Specialist- Mild/Moderate
  • Preliminary Education Specialist- Moderate/Severe

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 Curriculum - 教师归纳 - Administration

联系 电话/地址 Position / Responsibility
里克Biscocho (562) 997-8000分机.2900 Induction and New Teacher Support Coordinator