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Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)

7月31日, 2018, President Trump signed the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) into law. This Act, which became Public Law 115-224, reauthorizes the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV). It was approved unanimously by both chambers of Congress, reflecting broad bipartisan support for career and technical education (CTE) programs. 

Perkins V better aligns and integrates school districts, 高等教育机构, and 雇主 to prepare more young people for high-skill, 高工资的职业, ensuring career and technical education (CTE) programs meet the demands of the twenty-first-century economy.

The new also law includes several changes and additions relevant for educators, 高等教育机构, 雇主, 劳动力发展委员会, 社区组织, and others who serve historically underserved students in both secondary and postsecondary education.


Perkins V calls for collaboration among middle and high schools, 高等教育机构, 雇主, and other partners to provide an integrated approach to delivering robust CTE programs through statewide sector or industry partnerships. In drafting its plan for implementing Perkins V, a state must describe how it will “support effective and meaningful collaboration between secondary schools, 高等教育机构, and 雇主 to provide students with expertise in, 以及对, 一个行业的方方面面.”


Perkins V permits the delivery of joint professional development to core academic and CTE teachers. While Perkins IV allowed states to deliver this type of joint professional development “as appropriate” and “to the extent practicable,” it did not intentionally prioritize the practice in its language the way Perkins V does.

California’s CTE priorities specified in the State Plan:

  • CTE is woven into the fabric of education, NOT a separate system of education

  • All students have access to CTE courses, pathways and programs of interest. 

  • CTE is a demand-driven system that responds to real workforce needs, 和国家, 区域, 以及当地劳动力市场的现实 

  • CTE engages students and improves student outcomes focusing on rigor, 相关性, 的关系, 和结果


For more information go the Perkins webpage at www.cde.ca.gov / ci / ct / pk / 


Federal Perkins Legislation Core Indicators

Federal Perkins legislation identifies core indicators measuring the effectiveness of 职业技术教育 (CTE) at the secondary level:
1S1. Academic Attainment - Reading/Language Arts 
% of CTE concentrators who have met the proficient or advanced level on the reading/language arts portion of the CAHSEE and who left secondary education 在报告年度.
1S2. 学术成就-数学 
% CTE concentrators who have met the proficient or advanced level on the reading/language arts portion of the CAHSEE and who left secondary education 在报告年度.
2S1. 在CTE课程中获得的技术技能.
% of CTE concentrators enrolled in a capstone CTE course who 得了“A”, "B", 这门课的成绩是C, or received an industry-recognized certification, or passed an end of program assessment aligned with industry recognized standards.
3S1. 完成率 
的12年级CTE学员 earned a high school diploma, or other state-recognized equivalent (including recognized alternative standards for individuals with disabilities).
4S1. 毕业率 
的12年级CTE学员, 在报告年度, were included as graduated in the states computation of its graduation rate.
5S1. 次要位置 
的12年级CTE学员 left secondary education during the reporting year and entered post-secondary education or advanced training, 服兵役, 或就业
6S1. 非传统的参与 
% of CTE participants from underrepresented gender groups who were enrolled in a program sequence that leads to employment in nontraditional (fewer than 25% of the employees in that field are of the student's gender) fields.
6S2. 非传统完成  
CTE concentrators from underrepresented gender groups (fewer than 25% of the employees in that field are of the student's gender) enrolled in a capstone CTE course that leads to employment in a nontraditional field who, 得了“A”, "B", 这门课的成绩是C, or received an industry-recognized certification, or passed an end of program assessment aligned with industry-recognized standards.

以下, 供大家参考, are 菠菜网lol正规平台 CTE Program Core Indicators for the 2012-13 through 2014-15 School Years for Secondary and Adult programs:

Perkins Core Indicators - High School Programs