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LGBTQ+ Students and Resources



U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten and 菠菜网lol正规平台 student


In California, 公立学校在法律上被要求遵守支持LGBTQ+学生的教育法规, and ensure that schools are safe and inclusive learning environments. 菠菜网lol正规平台的政策和实践既反映了加州的教育法规,也反映了该地区对所有学生的卓越和公平的关注. We strive to provide school communities that are safe, affirming and supportive.

Pictured above, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten, right, 在骄傲月期间参观文艺复兴高中参加圆桌讨论.

LGBTQ+ Students and Resources - Administration

学生支持服务部为菠菜网lol正规平台学生提供多项服务, families and staff. Our team creates and shares resources, 在学校为LGBTQ+学生提供专业发展机会和便利服务.

Contact Phone / Address Position / Responsibility
Dr. Claudia Sosa-Valderrama (562) 986-6870 x.241 Director - Student Support Services
Brandon Messina (562) 986-6870 x.258 LGBTQ Support Services Lead
Administrative Assistant

P3_ExcellenceEquity-hr . Hi here I want Excelence & Equity one signle vector. Not 3.

Resources for:

Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Student Guide Posters


Click image to view flyer.


Click image to view flyer.

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Say Something 匿名举报系统是一条免费热线,供菠菜网lol正规平台学生和6至12年级的成年人使用.

举报人可以24/7/365提交任何信息,从他们看到或听到的学校威胁到包括性骚扰在内的个人危机, self-harm, abuse, bullying and depression.


First page of the PDF file: Gender-Neutral-Poster

Click image to view flyer.

First page of the PDF file: How-Can-I-Ask-People-For-Pronouns

Click image to view flyer.

First page of the PDF file: What-If-I-Mess-Up-Someones-Pronouns

Click image to view flyer.